Custom fields and sections

Note: This action is only available to admin users. The number of custom fields you can have depends on which plan you are on.

Most of your data comes with default fields but saalz is providing flexiblility with the possibility to create custom fields or section. With a custom field, you will not only have the means to document specific information needed to customize your data but also be able to organize and filter based on these fields inside the app.

Adding custom fields

You can add a custom field by going to Settings > fields mangement, and clicking on “**Add custom field**” or directly from a view page of any type of data. The field can be added under Lead/deal, Person or Organization.

From there you can select on which section you want to add a field. You have to give a name to your field, this name will appears in lead/deal/person/organization detail view
You can also add custom fields from a detail view page

From this view you can also reorder your fields by drag and dropping them

You can select the field type. Saalz is providing different fields type.

Customs fields type

Text : this type of field allow you to fill text
Long text : all you to fill long text, ideal for description etc..
Single option : allow you to add multiple choice, only one is selectable
Multiple option : allow you to add multiple choice, multiple will be selectable
Date : Trigger a date picker and allow you to pick a date
Number : allow you to enter a number

Viewing your customs fields

You can view you newly created field, straight from the view page

You can also manage custom fields visibility from the list itself by clicking on columns on the right side of the list

Managing your custom fields

You can decide whether or not fields will be display in List, Add popup or View page by selecting the visibility from the menu Settings > fields mangement, and clicking on “**Add custom field**


Saalz allow users to also customize section. If you need to regroup a certain type of fields inside one common section, let's say for example "Financials informations" you can create a section dedicated to it.

On a view page, you can click on New section and give a name to it.
From here you can, add new fields, or drag fields from other section to this newly created section.

Default section is mandatory and cannot be deleted.
When you delete a section, all fields (and associated values) included inside this section will be deleted. We suggest you to move out of the section the fields you don't want to lose data.

Updated on: 10/11/2022

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