
Saalz offers two-way synchronization of your emails. You will be able to find the history of emails received and sent in your various files (contact, prospect, business opportunities, etc.) and will be able to send emails easily thanks to the email templates feature.

Note: the email synchronization feature is available from the "Advanced" plan

Synchronize your email

Saalz allows you to synchronize your email easily. We support a large number of providers such as gmail, outlookn, microsoft, yahoo, icloud and more.
To start synchronization, simply go to the side menu Account settings > Email synchronization

All you have to do is follow the procedure and enter your credentials.

Please note, some email providers require you to activate specific options in your account, please refer to the documentation provided during the synchronization process

Compose your emails from the Email module

Once your email is synchronized with Saalz, you can send and receive emails directly from the application.
To compose an email you can use our email module, or from the prospects, contacts, organizations files.

You can enter one or more recipients by entering their address directly in the dedicated field

Note: to validate the entry of the recipient, you will have to press the "Enter" key

Compose emails from a detail view page

The easiest way to send an email to a prospect, contact or others is directly from the detail sheet.
To do so, go to the detailed view of a file, then click on the "Email" tab
If the email of the contact in question has already been filled in, then it will be pre-filled in the recipients field. You can add multiple recipients.

Create and manage email templates

To save time Saalz offers you a fully customizable email template system.
By clicking on the "Templates" button, you will be able to select a template, or create new templates.
You can create as many templates as you want.

Customizations across fields

If you want to send emails with predefined fields such as (Last name/First name, Mr/Madam) or any other parameter, just click on the "Fields" icon and select a field.

In this example below, we add fields available by default such as "Title" and "Name" and a custom field "Date of contract renewal"
The recipient will therefore receive an email with the following content:

Hello Mr George Zerkoui,
Your contract renewal date will be 12/19/2022

You can add custom fields to your email. For example, if you create a custom field "Date of contract renewal" in your contact file, this field will then be accessible in the customizable fields. More information on custom fields

Monitoring of email openings and clicked links

Saalz offers to track the opening of emails as well as clicked links. By default these two options are enabled:

You can deactivate them by clicking on the icons.

When the recipient of an email opens it, you can find out at what date and time (approximate time to within 10 minutes) by viewing the history of emails sent. An opened email will be symbolized with a pink "Eye", a clicked link with a pink "Hand"

In order for a link to be trackable you must use the "Text Editor's HyperText" link function, otherwise we will not be able to track whether a link has been clicked or not.

If you enter the url of a link directly in the text editor, it will automatically transform it into a clickable link. However, it cannot be tracked via our click tracking tools. To follow a click, please refer to the procedure explained above.

Email history

All of your emails (sent and received) will be logged in the dedicated section. To view the entire email, just click on the "See more" button
Emails are sorted by date

Updated on: 19/12/2022

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